Confessions of an Unconventional Southern Belle
A little insight into my random thoughts and experiences.

To All the Woman Who Aren’t Extra:
My mom invented extra. She was the personification of a Pinterest board back in the eighties and nineties when all people had to go by trends was Southern Living and department store Christmas catalogs.
We had themed parties, fake snow on Christmas, and matching outfits for all occasions. As a schoolteacher, she basically came up with her own dress-up days for us and gladly puffy-painted the shirts to coordinate.
Me, not so much.

Things I've Learned Since Turning 40
1- Don't get offended.
People say stupid stuff without all the information all the time. Or maybe their life is crappy at the moment so they lash out at others to make themselves feel better. Or maybe we are taking what they say the wrong way. In a world of social media posts and texts without emotion, we often jump to conclusions due to our own insecurities.

Stick a fork in me. I’m done!
Tonight I admitted I’d like to crawl in a hole for about half a week and hide out. I’m a huge extrovert, but there’s something appealing about staying in my room with nothing but my laptop, pillows, and a limitless supply of Diet Mountain Dew. Seriously, I’ve contemplated faking quarantine.